Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wired bullet modifications!!

bullet modified!!
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India
Crazy looking upset bad looking funny Bullet Royal Enfield Bullet 350When the parent company is inclined towards netherworlds (with the only redemption seen in the launch of Bullet 500 classic), the hope is rising in the shape of growing culture of custom chopper designers. A huge thanks has to be said toRobbie for posting about it in our forums here. from where i started digging and discovered this great company, which easily is the ace of this breed: Vardenchi owned by Akshai Varde. There is not much of information about Vardenchi and their Flash website really doesn’t have much of juice to be sucked upon with very low res photographs and no information whatsoever and the Blog is in ashes with a few dozen posts to thrive upon. I say to the gods of Motorcycling… Damnation…. we wanteth more…
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India canon
Another Bullet 350 modified version called Canon
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India Mechanica
Another Bullet 350 modified version called Mechanica
However whatever i have seen at other websites and whatever was offered by the demons at Google, it got me into a phase of loads of respect for these guys, for they no longer are mechanics, but artists. I could never have dreamed Bullets being turned into such brilliant choppers. Initially i wanted to do one article each on every single creation of Vardenchi, but amidst photographs of dimensions of 320 pixels, i couldn’t get even closer. So here is one single generic article about their custom Bullets. However i will post a few articles on their more famous bikes which are available in plenty on net.
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India Silver Smoke
Silver Smoke – Another Bullet 350 modified version called 
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India Mechanica
Thats a more recognizable version of Bullet 350 – El Toro Del Diablo – oh yeah reminds me of the game as well
One thing i relaly like about Vardenchi is the way they name their motorcycles, Vedic, Industrial, El Toro Del Diablo, Silver Smoke, Mechanica, Skeletor, Stealth, Dark Night… just a few examples and apparently getting one of these beauties of your own costs around 3-4 lakhs… not much as compared to the American Choppers.
Vardenchi Custom Royal Enfield Motorcycles Bullet 350 modified Bullets in India Mechanica
And a totally crazy version of Bullet 350 Batman’s Batpod…

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